Enhancing Residents' Stay With Our Facilities.
Enjoy a nice movie, play board games or just simply unwind in our relaxing MPH after work or on rest days.
For residents who have a passion for playing sports, they can choose to play a variety of sports such as cricket or futsal.
With our in-house barber shop, residents can get a fresh haircut at reasonable price.
With our state of the art gym equipment, residents can keep an active lifestyle and stay fit.
Our canteen provides a range of nutritious and attractively priced food and drinks to enjoy a hearty meal.
Convenient in-house laundry service: expert care for residents' laundry or self-serve with coin-operated machines.
Dormitory Management
Tee Up’s General Manager/Director, Kelvin Low, has also served as the Secretary-General of DASL. DASL’s main aim is to be the aggregator of better standards for dormitory housing and living. It works closely with government agencies and other stakeholders to achieve this goal.
Kelvin has been at the forefront of Singapore’s fight against the spread of Covid-19 in migrant worker dormitories. He has assisted many ministries and government agencies with developing and managing temporary dormitories in Singapore.
As part of his role as the Secretary-General of DASL, Kelvin has been called upon by various ministries and agencies to help in the management of the Covid-19 situation in Singapore. He has played a critical role in the development and management of these temporary care and dormitory facilities during the pandemic.
Our History
Tee Up received its first dormitory management contract from 2006 to 2015, a 3,650-worker dormitory.
Tee Up took on the 800-worker dormitory at Changi Lodge 3 from 2010 to 2015.
A FEDA-licensed dormitory awarded by BCA under a Build, Manage and Operate Model that is home to some 4,000 residents.
For Vacancy Enquiries